/seen ciao/ Xin chào!

Thank you for visiting my small business! I'm Huong Tran from Vietnam who grew up with a passion for dolls and I want to share my work with everyone.

Collace of several custom made dolls
Picture of a doll with antlers for the christmas special

We handcraft with love and care

Our team works hard every day to bring you not only high-quality items but also unique ones. None of our items that come from factories and of course, we ensure our artist have a healthy working environment and allow them to think free.
a pink tear
a pink pattern in shape of a tear
a grey tear
a grey pattern in shape of a tear
100Unique Items

Our Customer Service

pink heart

Loyal Customer Program

We value our loyal customers, that why we offer forever 10% discount for our customer after your first order.
Shopping bag with hands holding heart

Small Business Support

Products in our store custom from small handicraft businesses. We provide our artist profile on every item section so you know exactly who made your items and also there story behind
letter with block sign over

We Do Not Spam Your Email

Email Marketing may help us increase sales. But We understand that not all the customers like to receive mail every day or even 5 mails per month.
You can sign up for a subscription on sale which we will send out every 3 months.